Saturday, August 14, 2010

This is for real.

Everyone is getting married. The world keeps moving.
I decided I am going to start wearing head scarves again.

Today we went to the beach, where we were first graciously visited by a pervert who propped his chair along side our beach sheet so that he can show us his testicles whilst drinking a can of Budweiser, and then we got to watch a drunk husband punch his drunk wife of twenty six years in the face.

We should have gone to Governor's Island to play capture the flag instead. It was Commandos verses Zombies. How did we pass that up? Why did we pass that up? We so wanted to be Commandos.

I have several theories as to how we ended up at Robert Moses instead.

Governor's Island is far.
Beaches are usually nice.
Capture the flag is too sad to play without you.

I want to play capture the flag with you. I remember when we played captured the flag in Blue Lake, you hid your hat underneath a car so you wouldn't lose it. I wasn't with you when you left it that night, but we were together when you picked it up the next day. We were walking, and a light bulb went off in your head: "my hat!' You walked over to the car we were passing, crawled half way under it, and out you came with a hat in your hand. Smiling big at me, our eyes making firm contact, you then joyfully placed it on your head.

What a catch.

I am mixing memories. Everything about you feels like a dream.