Sunday, August 29, 2010

A letter.

Dear Adrian,

Tonight we were all sitting outside having some drinks and smokes. We were talking about stuff, having a laugh and a cry when all of a sudden your brother noticed two chihuahuas entering through the front gates. Well, he thought they were chihuahuas, they were in fact kittens. You are well aware that I love the kittens. I zombie walked straight to the them. "Braaaaaiiiiinnnsss..." I said to myself but more actually"kiiiiitttttteeeeeennnnnsssss...".
Adolfo warned me not to bring the kittens close to the dogs so I listened and stayed far away, but I did pick one up, snuggle it, felt its soothing purr in the palm of my hand before tossing it back over the fence. I worried that perhaps because I touched it, its mother would reject it. I expressed my concern to the others and was told it was fine. I was also told the neighbors who owned the cats were careless with their pets by letting them roam in other people's yards, to procreate as they please, so in the case of these kittens it was their responsibility, not ours to care about them.
Adolfo said if the dogs were to wake up they would eat the kittens. I somewhat half believed him. Not because I don't believe dogs eat kittens, but because I felt it just wouldn't happen right now, in your yard, with your family dogs. Like Jen's toddler sleeping peacefully on the coach inside, I believed the dogs would not wake up for clearly it was bedtime. Even we were turning in, slowly, one by one. First Adolfo, then Meghan.
Then the kittens came back. Jen and I didn't notice until one woke up the dogs, and there it was, a full blown cat eating dog crazy time.
Each dog had a kitten in their mouth. I managed to grab one from the older dog. Jen was the only one who witnessed the whole ordeal with me. I kicked the kitten out of the dog's mouth, grabbed it, and  tossed it over the fence. When that was over, relieved I had thrown the kitten over the fence, I looked up and saw that the younger and "more dangerous" dog was still fighting with another kitten. Worse, it was the kitten I had just snuggled with earlier. At first I thought to go over there, but I also couldn't believe what I was witnessing. I was hoping to see the kitten get away. It wasn't. Jen did not try to get it. I asked her what to do- if I should go over there. She said, "no," and I just stood there as I watched the dog take the kitten away in it's mouth. She got it. Victory.
Well, anyway that totally blew my mind, and I wanted to tell you all about it. I like to believe if you were here you would have gotten the other kitten. We would have simultaneously gone into action at the moment we saw what was happening. Yes, I do. I know that's not what happened. This is just what I think. After, Jen and I came inside and started reading about owl medicine online. That's a whole other story. Of the many interesting things the website said about owls, it said to write a letter to a loved one who has passed. It wrote, "Look back at some of the "deaths" in your life. How have they helped you to become the person you are today?" So here I am. This your letter, and this is what I'm thinking about.
I realize that this letter is not as hopeless as the other letters I've written you since you died. It's definitely a better letter, yes. Okay, it's late and I'd like to go to sleep now.

Goodnight beloved Adrian,
